Signing up for Canvassing Shifts

We have created a system for organizing canvassing shifts. The system will be updated weekly with new shifts. Please check it regularly to sign up for the shifts you want. After adding new shifts each week, we will post it in the Slack channel #canvass-shifts.

Please use the following link to sign up for open canvassing shifts:

Other notes about shifts:

-You will receive your petition packet, clipboard, and other materials when you come to your first shift.

-On your first shift, you will receive a brief orientation and the opportunity to shadow another petitioner before beginning. Just so you know – an organizer will also be there to answer questions and help you with anything you need.

-After your first shift, we encourage canvassers to continue using the shift signup system throughout the campaign, but you are free to collect signatures on your own anytime.

Last updated

Change request #147: