Code of Conduct & Harassment Policy
Applying to all volunteers, organizers, and employees of Pro-Animal Future.
At Pro-Animal Future, we welcome anyone who wants to join us, even if they have opposing views or work in industries that may conflict with our mission. This includes agents of industry or government who may not share our values but wish to participate for any reason. While we do not require a personal practice of veganism for participation, we do require that all members, including infiltrators, adhere to our code of conduct. Our goal is to create a welcoming and respectful community that strives to create a better future for animals and humans alike.
Expected and Unacceptable Behaviors
It is expected that everyone treats all members of the community and the greater public with respect. These expectations apply to members, associates, and guests while at PAF events, when representing PAF to the public, in PAF communication channels, or while interacting with people you meet through any of the above.
We do not discriminate or harass anyone on the basis of race, color, or ethnicity; nationality, immigration status, citizenship, or ancestry; age; species; religion or spiritual belief; sex; sexual orientation; gender, gender identity, or gender expression; marital status; pregnancy or parental status; physical or mental ability, medical conditions, or disability status; education; or financial means, socioeconomic status, or class.
We acknowledge that there are various methods used for killing animals for human consumption, including conventional methods as well as religious methods such as halal and kosher. We believe that all forms of killing animals for food are equally objectionable and are not part of a compassionate future. It is not acceptable to single out any particular religious method for criticism or condemnation.
We do not condone harassment, which can range from extreme forms such as physical violence or threats of violence to less obvious actions like ridiculing, teasing, or repeatedly bothering community members, or intentionally excluding someone from otherwise open community activities, or making them feel unwelcome.
We do not use or condone speciesist, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, ageist, or otherwise discriminatory language, including ridiculing or demeaning comments, even if intended to be humorous.
We honor pronouns and gender identities. When we make a mistake with someone’s pronouns, we correct it and move on.
We do not use objectifying language toward nonhuman animals, e.g. "it," "meat," "beef.”
We do not engage in or condone violence, threats of violence, or violent language directed against another person.
We do not gossip about other members.
Gossip is discussing the faults of others without a constructive intention. Venting to someone about a conflict in order to process your emotions, or seeking advice from a third party, do not constitute gossip if your intention is to improve your relationship with the person in question. Gossip occurs when your intention is to put others down, or to bond with someone at the expense of someone else.
We extend our respect and good faith to people outside our community, such as during petitioning or in public parks during community events.
Respond to conflict and disagreement constructively.
We approach disagreements and different opinions with curiosity. We default to giving others the benefit of the doubt, especially when communicating online.
When we perceive potential conflict, we engage in calm conversations, with the goal of understanding other points of view. We take escalating online disagreements offline to a phone or in-person conversation, or respectfully agree to disengage on the topic.
We embody the ideals of nonviolence and nonviolent direct action by directing our anger at systems, not the individuals who are caught up in those systems.
When we feel someone is not acting in accordance with our values we speak directly with that person one-on-one, trying to understand their true meaning and intentions, and sharing our concern.
We are open to feedback when others express concern or hurt over our words or behavior. We listen before we respond, acknowledge when we are mistaken, and take steps to do better.
If a conflict escalates beyond our ability to engage in it constructively, we may seek the assistance of multipartial third parties to help the original parties reach a constructive resolution.
We acknowledge that there will be disagreements and different perspectives in the community and we aim to focus on the values that unite us. However, disagreements or debates affecting a large enough section of the community may necessitate the involvement of PAF’s Mission Circle or an authorized representative, potentially resulting in corrective action.
We do not expect leadership to solve our personal disputes or problems.
Understand and uphold the principles of enthusiastic consent.
Enthusiastic consent is achieved when someone has demonstrated clear verbal or physical communication that they are excited to take part in an activity. The activity may be sexual or it may something else, but either way, enthusiastic consent must be freely given (without coercion, pressure or being under the influence), reversible, informed, and specific to the situation in question.
We ask for and wait to be given consent before initiating any physical contact, including non-sexual contact such as hugs.
We do not give anyone unwelcome sexual attention. This includes sexualized comments, jokes, or innuendos, inappropriate touching or groping, unwelcome sexual advances, leering, invasion of personal space, blocking normal movement, and any other behavior that makes another community member sexually uncomfortable.
We do not record or photograph others outside the scope of public events and actions, such as protests and Meetups, unless given explicit permission.
We do not display or share offensive images, such as videos, photos, cartoons, or drawings that are derogatory or sexualizing of others.
We do not pressure someone to submit to romantic or sexual requests for any reason, including as a condition of receiving opportunities or to avoid loss of opportunities.
We are conscious of power, position, and privilege when it comes to initiating any romantic or sexual behavior or relationship.
It is unacceptable to encourage, condone, or excuse violations of this code of conduct.
It is unacceptable to retaliate against or penalize those who report, express an intent to report, assist another person to report, or participate in an investigation related to a report about any of the above behaviors.
We recognize that the preceding list cannot include every possible situation, but we trust our community members to apply the underlying values as needed and appropriate.
This code of conduct can apply to PAF members outside the context of an official PAF event. For instance, harassment or escalatory conflict behavior on social media may constitute a violation. Committing a violent crime or crime of moral turpitude, even outside the context of a PAF event, would also constitute a violation.
Additional Policies
Food and beverage policy
All food and beverages at PAF events must be free of animal products. Additionally, events should be free of drugs, including alcohol.
Travel and housing policy
While on a PAF-related trip, sleeping arrangements should be made thoughtfully. No one should be asked to share a bed or other sleeping arrangement (e.g. couch or car) with someone they would not already be comfortable doing so with outside of the trip.
Last updated
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