Postcard Writing Instructions

This guide can be used during postcard-writing shifts or on your own to create effective pro-animal messages for voter outreach by mail.

Use these instructions to create a personalized message. Once you've crafted your message, show it to a PAF organizer for feedback. Then, repeat that message on each postcard during the shift, adding the voter’s name and address. While this guide suggests research-based messages, it’s equally important for you to speak in your own voice.

Download Your Voter List via MiniVAN

MiniVAN (aka MiniVan Touch) is an app you’ll use to get addresses and track the voters you write postcards to.

  1. Download MiniVAN to your phone. Download for iPhone | Download for Android

  2. Create an account if this is your first time using the app, or sign in.

  3. Once you're logged in, find Menu > “Download a new list” > “Enter a List Number”, and enter the number below, separating the two parts into the two fields:

*This will download a unique list of voters onto your phone– the app ensures no two activists will write postcards to the same voters.

  1. Once you download the list, choose an address under the “Household” tab. Fill the address onto your postcard, with the names of each voter in the household. (*Write one postcard per household, not per person.)

  2. Choose the option "Sent postcard" for each household member in the MiniVAN app. Once you do, those voters won’t appear on anyone else’s list.

  3. Complete your postcard!

Postcard Checklist

Make sure you complete the following for each postcard:

Crafting Your Message to Voters

Write a friendly, concise note that describes the initiative and why they should vote yes. Write neatly, but try to make it clear that your message really was written by hand — for instance, it might help if you occasionally spill over the gray margin. Color pens (anything other than black) are highly encouraged.

What to include:

  1. Address all voters in the household by their first names.

Dear [Voter Name(s)],

  1. Thank them for being an animal lovers and explain that you’re writing to your neighbors asking them to support a pro-animal measure in your city.

First of all, thank you for being someone who cares about animals! I’m writing my pro-animal neighbors about an initiative on the ballot this year.

  1. Explain what the measure is, and share a personal explanation of why you are supporting it. Here are some research-backed suggestions:

I support these measures to ban fur and slaughterhouses in the city because...

  • evolving away from factory farms is a step towards a more peaceful and sustainable future for all of us.

  • if we listen to our sense of compassion, we know this measure is on the right side of history.

  • whether or not we eat meat, we can all agree that factory farms have no place in our community.

  1. Try to mention “the climate, our community and the animals.

  2. Direct them to the campaign website to learn more.

Check out our website to learn more and let us know whether the animals can count on your vote!

  1. Sign off with your name.

  2. Optionally, you can draw an arrow from the word "website" in your note to the QR code to make it easier to find.

Example Messages:

Hi [Voter Name(s)],

Thanks for caring about animals! I’m writing my neighbors in [your city] about an initiative on the ballot this year to [insert initiative details]. I'm voting YES because phasing out factory farming is critical for the climate, the workers, and the animals.

Check out the website to learn more. I hope I can count on your vote!

[Your First Name]


Hi [Voter Name(s)],

As a fellow animal lover, let's make a change together!

I'm volunteering on a campaign to [insert initiative details] here in [your city]. I hope you'll vote YES this November — animals deserve better!

Visit our website to learn more. Your support means the world!

Your neighbor,

[Your First Name]


Hi [Voter Name(s)],

Thanks for being someone who cares about animals! I'm writing to ask if you'll join me in voting YES to [insert initiative details] in [your city]. Whether or not we eat meat, we can all agree that factory farms are harmful to animals and the environment, and have no place in our community.

Visit our website to learn more. Your support means the world!

Your neighbor,

[Your First Name}

Tips for Success

  • Write slowly and legibly! If the voter can’t read your handwriting, you wasted your time.

  • Be aware that these may not actually be mailed until closer to the election. So, for instance, refer to “November” rather than “10 months from now”.

  • If you live in the city where the campaign is taking place, you can mention which neighborhood.

Hosting a Postcard Writing Shift

If you are the host of a shift dedicated to writing postcards, you have just a few extra responsibilities:

  • Provide postcards, pens, and a few blank sheets of scrap paper for people to draft their messages.

  • Give a short speech at the beginning of the shift to get your activists hyped up about why we are doing this.

  • Run a simple Before & After Action Review.

  • Vet each activist’s message before they start mass-producing it to ensure it represents PAF positively.

  • Collect all postcards at the end of the shift, store them in a safe location, and hand them off to your campaign coordinator in a timely manner.

Last updated

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