Content Ideas
Here are some ideas for content that would be particularly helpful in furthering our message, building support, and getting others involved.
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Here are some ideas for content that would be particularly helpful in furthering our message, building support, and getting others involved.
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The ideas below contain good examples of each type of post from our account, as well as language that you can feel free to modify and reuse.
Grab some photos shared to the #canvass-shifts Slack channel and highlight canvassers hitting the streets and interacting with the public.
Example Posts:
Language Ideas:
Our crew is out gathering signatures together to build a pro-animal future.
Animals can’t vote, but we can!
Let’s evolve towards a cruelty-free food system.
We love meeting so many of our neighbors who care about animals.
Thank you to [X number of voters] who have already signed to get these causes on next year’s ballot.
Come join us if you want to help make history for animals here in Denver.
Posts about upcoming or recent community events, along with an invitation to join our next social.
Example Posts:
Language Ideas:
Looking to be part of a community of activists standing up for animals? Look no further.
We have reached [X signatures or % to goal] so far thanks to the hard work of this crew.
If you’re looking to connect with other animal lovers, eat a delicious & free plant-based meal, and help make history for animals, this is your chance!
Come hang at our next social. All are welcome!
Sharing or resharing any positive news coverage of our campaign can help build confidence in our mission and show our cause gaining traction.
Example Posts:
Language Ideas:
For a written article, the caption could be a blurb from the published piece.
Many people actively bury their feelings about the suffering animals endure. As a result, nobody realizes that everyone else is feeling the same dissonance.
We may not have much power as individual consumers, but this measure gives voters a chance to improve things together.
Together as citizens we can move away from abusing animals.
Posts about PAF’s attendance or involvement in public or community-based events, as well as our alignment with other causes, organizations, or businesses.
Language Ideas:
Abundant plant food and meat alternatives are widely available, while millions of Americans thrive eating animal-free.
We can be on animals' side while protecting our climate and ending the trauma of slaughterhouse work. Our measures are pro-animal, pro-climate, and pro-human.
Globeville in Denver is the most polluted residential zip code in the US (ATTOM Data Solutions), and this lower-income community is the only part of Denver with a slaughterhouse.
The slaughterhouse, which sits right on the South Platte River, has been in violation of the Clean Water Act for 3 years, failing to report how much pollution it’s emitting. (EPA)
Slaughterhouse workers face high rates of injury and depression. (2023 Literature Review, Sage Journals)
Avoiding any graphic content, using photos of animals who are impacted by the fur trade or slaughter industry is a good reminder of why we’re pushing for change. Uplifting photos of animals at sanctuaries while describing the typical fate of their species are also a good way to accomplish this.
Language Ideas:
Discuss the animal’s individual traits and personality, their story, what their life looks like vs. the fate they may have avoided.
Animals headed to slaughter fight back. They scream, kick, and attempt to run, and some are lucky enough to escape. When they do, they often end up at sanctuaries where they are cared for like family, and they will never be slaughtered.
If you have an emotional reaction to seeing footage of animals suffering in slaughterhouses [or fur farms], that’s a good sign that you’re a human being.
We should listen to that compassion, because it’s a hallmark of our humanity. This initiative is on the right side of history.
To visit an animal sanctuary is to step into a future where we give all animals the freedom they deserve. Now, voters have a chance to bring that future one step closer.
Showing progress towards our goals such as signatures for ballot qualification may be motivating to current and potential volunteers, and highlights public support for our cause.
Language Ideas:
Look how far we’ve come! Thanks to the hard work of our team of canvassers, we have officially passed the [X] mark for our [fur/slaughterhouse] ban.
Come help us cross the finish line to get these pro-animal measures on the ballot.
Thank you to everyone who has been out there gathering signatures! When we pass this historic legislation for animals, you all will be able to look back and say “I did that. We did that.”
Reposting or posting about related causes shows the bigger picture of our campaign and how we fit into the broader spectrum of change.
Language Ideas:
Include a description and photo of the related cause or measure.
We love to see other groups from around the country fighting for pro-animal legislation.
It’s amazing to see the strides being made in the fight for a better future for animals.
We will be cheering on [group/cause name] from afar!
Using humor to make a point can be extremely effective. You can easily create original memes using the Mematic app.
For our community newsletters, we have asked activists who are interested in being featured to fill out a Google form. It would be great to also feature these folks in a social post! You can find their responses to the form in the hyperlink above, or in the newsletter if it’s already been sent.
While this list presents some suggestions around the types of posts most conducive to building support for our campaign, we encourage you to get creative! Feel free to experiment with different ways of building support and awareness for our mission.
**Note: Please share your ideas for these types of posts in advance to have a Pax Fauna partner approve it to make sure the cause aligns with our organization’s values.