Updating Activist Profiles
This section describes how to update engagement assessments for activists in Action Builder. It also covers how to leave notes on activist profiles, as well as review notes left by other organizers.
It’s important to update engagement assessments and take notes in Action Builder to keep track of where each campaigner is at. Notes should include concerns and schedule updates that may be relevant to canvassing participation. You should add notes for any recent outreach, upcoming vacation(s) or periods of time they will be unavailable, concerns around their experience, what they are looking for out of their participation, or any other notable responses that are worth logging for future reference.
Table of Contents
Updating Engagement Assessments
Updating Engagement Assessments
From the main results page, click the down caret to the right of a campaigner’s name and select ‘New Assessment’.
Alternatively, you can click into someone’s profile and select ‘Update Assessment’ from there.
Assign them a new engagement assessment based on their current level of engagement.
Outreach & Notes
From the filtered list of activist names, select the individual you’d like to reach out to, and take note of their contact preferences.
Be sure to check for any recent updates or notes before sending a message to see if anyone has logged anything important to know about this individual.
You can find existing notes by clicking into an activist’s profile and either scrolling down to their activity feed at the bottom of the page.
If another organizer has reached out to this individual in the past week, hold off your outreach in order to avoid overwhelming them.
Reach out via the preferred mode of contact noted in their profile.
Log the outreach as a ‘Note’ so that other organizers can see that someone has been in touch and what was discussed, so we can avoid over-messaging.
To do this, you’ll click ‘+ Add Note’ at the top of the activity feed section of their profile.
Last updated