Deep Canvassing Resources
Extra tools for learning to canvass effectively.
If you're doing a door-to-door canvassing shift using MiniVAN, here's the list number you'll need:
Experienced canvassers | Less-experienced canvassers |
List number: 47516124-29929 | List number: 46874334-84411 |
Here's the field packet you might want to print and carry with you while canvassing:
PAF Anti-Factory Farming Field Packet.pdf
Canvassing Dojo
We host a weekly voter outreach practice session on Zoom every Thursday at 7:30 pm. The link to join is
Videos: Common Objections & Responses
Study these videos to prepare for some of the most common patters you'll encounter while talking to voters.
Videos: Full Conversations
Here are several videos of deep canvassing conversations you can review for practice:
Last updated